How to Find Outpatient Treatment in the Tristate Area

How to Find Outpatient Treatment in the Tristate Area

If you are in the Tri-State area and need drug treatment services, the search for help can be very difficult. With so many types of treatment options available, finding the best treatment program that fits your needs can be tricky. This is especially true if your substance abuse isn’t as severe compared to others. What if you don’t require detox or are unable to spend considerable time away from work and family, as required by a residential treatment program? If you fall into this category, outpatient drug treatment can be very beneficial.


If you are not familiar with outpatient treatment, this article is for you. We will go into deeper detail about what outpatient treatment is and who it will benefit. Most importantly, you will learn how to find outpatient treatment in the Tri-State area. If you have further questions about outpatient rehab or other treatment services, call Water Gap Wellness toll-free today.


What is Outpatient Treatment?

Outpatient treatment programs allow you to attend treatment programs, support groups, and other essential programming during the week, depending on your schedule. The main benefit of outpatient rehab is the ability to live at home and fulfill your work, family, and school obligations while undergoing treatment. The number of times you attend treatment sessions can vary depending on your specific needs. For example, you may need to attend outpatient rehab only once a week, or you may have to attend 3-4 times weekly. The typical length of time per session is 2-3 hours.


In general, outpatient rehab programs can range anywhere from a week to a couple of months and even years. However, you can expect to be in an outpatient treatment program between 3 to 9 months. The types of treatment services found in an outpatient program are very similar to those found in residential programs. Therapies such as psychotherapy, CBT and DBT are common in these programs and are done one-on-one and in group settings. Also, like residential programs, you can receive the tremendous benefits of 12-step group support.


The focus on outpatient treatment in the Tri-state area is relapse prevention. In order to help minimize the risk of relapse once you complete treatment, outpatient programs utilize an educational approach in helping you understand what relapse is and how you can minimize the risk of relapse. You will learn about the triggers in your environment that can lead you back to substance use and develop healthy coping skills to deal with your triggers. Also, you will learn to think through and evaluate the possible outcomes of a relapse. Additionally, you will learn ways to bounce back from a relapse if it occurs during your early recovery.


Who is Outpatient Treatment For?

When you are evaluating drug treatment programs, you must look at which programs are the best fit for you and your specific needs. Outpatient treatment is the best option for you in the following situations:

Unable to Be Away from Work or Family

Outpatient therapy is ideal for you if you can’t commit to being away from work and family obligations. Residential treatment programs require you to stay at the facility while you receive intensive care. While beneficial, being away from family and work for an extended period of time may not be feasible. In an outpatient drug rehab program, you will receive the same quality services while being able to live at home. The times you attend programming are flexible depending on your schedule. At Water Gap Wellness, a housing option is available where clients of Water Gap Wellness Outpatient treatment programs can stay at the Water Gap Wellness Inn – a home away from home!

You May Not Need Detox Services

Outpatient treatment in the tri-state area is also ideal if you may not need medical detoxification. In your case, your dependence on drugs and alcohol is mild compared to others, or you may be noticing that your use is slowly spiraling out of control. An outpatient drug treatment program would benefit you if this is the case. However, if you do need detox services, many rehabs do offer intensive outpatient programs which feature medical detoxification.

You Have a Solid Support Network

Outpatient rehab is an excellent option for you if you already have a strong support network at home. With outpatient treatment, you feel as though you are surrounded by support during your day. You gain the tools and support you need from experienced professionals and your recovering peers while in treatment. Also, you have solid support from family members, relatives, and friends when you come home from a treatment session.


How to Find Outpatient Treatment in the Tri-State Area

If you need outpatient treatment in the Tri-State area, the choices you have seem limitless. Many Tri-State rehab facilities offer outpatient services, and they claim their programs are proven to work and will help get you sober. While many of these facilities make bold claims, do they have a proven track record of success? Water Gap Wellness has that track record, and we can help you reach your long-term recovery goals.

Our Pennsylvania outpatient treatment programs are evidenced-based, extensively tested, and are administered by experienced treatment professionals. These programs are customized to meet your unique and specific needs and can flex to fit as your needs change. Call Water Gap Wellness toll-free right now and begin your journey towards sobriety.

About WGWC

Water Gap Wellness Center offers expert and compassionate treatment for mental health and substance abuse at our Pennsylvania facility, just outside New Jersey, a short drive from New York. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you today. 

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